87 West Avenue




February 2024 Update

The Crossville Model Railroad Club ceased public operations March 31 2023. We are still having activities and working to get trains running in a new location. A story in the Crossville Chronicle in January led to contact from community members and a property that had previous had been ruled out is under review again. Dotting ‘i’ and crossing ‘t’ questions that could lead to an announcement? The search continues for that almost ‘perfect’ location so we can enjoy our hobby with all our friends local and long distanced. Stay tuned!


Update – Oct 20, 2023

Unfortunately in the current case no news is not so great news. More locations have been reviewed and discussed, but all candidates have been insufficient in some regard. Stay tuned as the search continues. In the meantime look for our Christmas tree at the First National Bank on North Main Street in December.


Down but not out, EXPO 23 DID take place!

The turn out wasn’t huge but the trains ran well and we all got to see each other again. Thanks to Miami Valley Modular Railway, Oaklawn Baptist Church and the many members who participated.

Welcome 2 new members who joined as a result of the publicity for this event; Terry Symonds and Dan Godeke.


Update – Jul 10, 2023

While we continue our quest for a new facility, we do not yet have any substantial news to deliver to our patrons. We have taken one more possibility off our serious consideration list, as our membership voted it down due to it’s small size. While  it was convenient to local folks, it would have required each scale to significantly downsize it’s display, and would have been difficult to maintain a significant display for folks to visit periodically. We are in the process of evaluating another larger facility to obtain additional data, history and financial requirements, and plan to have sufficient data to determine viability of this facility by our next BOD meeting. In the meantime, please visit us at our scheduled participation in the Crossville “Lunch on the Lawn” at the Cumberland County Courthouse lawn in downtown Crossville, on Sept 15, 2023 from 11 AM to 1 PM.


Update – Jun 1, 2023

We continue our quest for a new facility, and while we had hoped to have some news for everyone by June 1st, that has not yet occurred. We have a BOD Meeting scheduled for June 5th, at which time we may have some news.  Please stay tuned for the most accurate and up to date information we can present following the BOD meeting, and our scheduled Membership Meeting on June 12, 2023. Thank you for your patience. We look forward to seeing our guests as soon as possible. We truly miss you all as much as our railroads.

Update – Apr 1, 2023

The saddest day we could imagine finally transpired yesterday, Mar 31, 2023, as our 21 + year home in Crossville. TN at the former Crossville Outlet Center (now Landers Crossroads) terminated our Lease, and we formally terminated our presence in that location. Thanks to our members untiring efforts, we accomplished a complete disassembly, packaging and storing of all our reusable components and operating necessities into our new storage location. (Quite a task in less than 30 days, for sure.) While we may not currently have a permanent physical home, we will continue to have a ‘virtual’ one, keeping our website updated with our current efforts, events, and items which will hopefully keep our thousands of patrons up to date on our efforts to return to the #2 Attraction in Cumberland County. To date, with many available facilities having been reviewed and visited, we have not as yet, found a completely suitable, available, and affordable location at this time. We continue to remain optimistic, as our efforts work toward the return to rebuilding and displaying our ‘Wonderful World of Trains’ for all of our enjoyment.  Stay tuned to this website for more news, as time progresses.


Update – Mar 23, 2023

     We have successfully found and rented a secure climate controlled facility for our short/long term storage requirements, and are in the process of reviewing numerous sites for a potential new home for our Railroad Display. We have packaged approximately 95% of our items, and moved the vast majority of them to the rented facility as of this date.

      The many individual and public expressions of sympathy and support are greatly appreciated.

     Please stay tuned to this Website for additional information as we progress through our journey to rebuild, and operate as we have done in past years.